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3 Tips to Create a Bedroom Sanctuary

3 Tips to Create a Bedroom Sanctuary

I can’t be the only one who misses checking into hotels, looking around at the beautiful decor, checking into my room, sinking into the bed surrounded by the comfy pillows and wrapping myself up in the warm fluffy blanket!

With how 2021 has started off, who knows when we will be able to experience that again, so let’s bring the relaxing hotel vibes into our bedrooms! We’ve been spending a lot more time at home this past year. While we’ve been focusing on increasing our productivity through our work from home space, It’s equally important to focus our time to create a relaxing and welcoming bedroom that’s ready for you at the end of a long exhausting day! This is the perfect time to focus on making your bedroom a calm, peaceful space to unwind at the end of a long exhausting day!

Different Textures

It’s all about incorporating different textures and elements in your bedroom, by incorporating different textures, I don’t just mean with fabrics, this can be through various materials, textiles, colours, and metals. You can achieve this look by doing things like adding a wool blanket to a leather chair, or mixing metals on your furniture throughout your room. Adding different textures to your room keeps from making your room feel flat and boring, it brings life back into your bedroom and makes the space feel more lived in.

Natural Elements

Now to create that peaceful vibe, we need to start by adding more natural elements, such as natural woods and stones to our bedrooms, this will help keep your room light and airy. While sticking with the natural elements theme this is a great opportunity to incorporate more plants into your space, which will help uplift your spirits and create a refreshing space!

Another way you can incorporate the natural elements theme is through your morning routine. I recently purchased the Sunrise Simulation Alarm Clock which has made getting up in the morning a lot easier, instead of having an alarm clock blaring in my ears at 7 am, my alarm clock is simulated sunrise (about 20 minutes before I actually have to wake up), followed by birds chirping. I find having this alarm clock helps me wake up naturally and I no longer have mini heart attacks when my alarm goes off, it’s really helped tie together my peaceful, calming bedroom vibes.

Spacious and Light

I try to make sure my furniture and bedding are neutral colours, this makes the room look more spacious and light. You also want to take into consideration where your furniture is so it sees the most natural light, try to keep any windows clear of clunky furniture.

So this 2021 let’s aim to make our bedrooms a place where we can unwind and relax by incorporating more earthy tones, natural elements, plants, and keeping the bedroom light and airy.

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